RT PCR Service

The Revolution From Endpoint To Genomic

The ability to obtain data uring real-time PCR has revolutionalized PCR-based quantification of DNA and RNA. Measuring the kinetic of exponential phase  of the reaction in real-time was proven to produce more precise quantification when compared to end-point measurement from traditional method. This method is versatile as real time PCR can be used for both absolute and relative quantification and it has different application which include viral quantification, genotyping, drug therapy efficacy analysis, DNA damage measurement and pathogen detection

RT PCR For Research

As a broadly used tool for measuring gene expression levels, RT PCR basically converts RNA to cDNA by reverse transcription. By this two processes, gene expression and reverse transcription, the RNA transcript levels can be measured tentatively. Being an important appliance in biomeidcal science, RT PCR has opened a breakthrough in the field of molecular biology.

We are offering full range service for for their research. Select your number of gene and get a free quote today